So right now only one word comes to mind...HELP!!!! I'm not sure how many of you have bought my album, "Edson Sean" (if you haven't, shame on you, Lol) but on it is a track called "Fall Back" about a relationship gone wrong. Now a musical mentor of mine suggested that I put together a picture collage video to accompany the song and put it on you tube. Great!!! But I am just having a hard time getting candid shots of couples arguing. Not so great. So here is where you, my loyal fans and friends come in. You can be apart of the video making process by sending me ANY photographs that would fit the theme of the video. (It would probably help if you hear the song so if you haven't already, please buy my album. ::on my knees:: Lol) So the type of pictures that I'm looking for are as follows; candid pictures of couples arguing, or facing away from each other in anger; raindrops falling off of leaves (I know, real specific but trust me on this one); shots of rainstorms; anything that reflects heartache. Please feel free to be as artistic as you can. I accept pictures from a $1,000 camera to a cell cam. And your name WILL be acknowledged in the credits if your picture(s) is (are) selected. Please send all pictures, with your name, stage name, etc. to omniblaize@gmail.com A.S.A.P.! Those that submit pictures, even if they are not chosen will receive OMNI Blaize exclusives that NO ONE has! Lets make this a group project! I can't do this with out you guys. Stay tuned till next time, same Blaize time, same Blaize channel. Deuces.