So me and my people (Chris Rel,Denny Jackson and DJ Pretty
Nyce) had this crazy performance at this club called K.
fe Viera. We had a decent turnout. Even some of the USA embassy
staff showed up and had a great time. Afterwards, we are taken out by some of the embassy staff. That's when the real fun began. We originally start out at this little lounge where the boss served us these coffee
liqueur shots that were on fire and we had to drink it while it was burning!! Crazy!! Then at this same spot we run into Mark the Regional
Security Officer (
RSO) of the embassy. This little
Cajun white boy from New Orleans knows where the parties are out here! So we all head over to this Reggae bar where the band is SICK! By the way, for those who don't know me that well we are drinking the whole time.
Lol. Last stop was Le Mix. This club was out of here!!! The DJ played American hip hop and R&B and some local records. It didn't even get packed until like 1 am. We had a table, bought bottles (pop champagne,
lol) and danced the whole night. We left at 5 am and barely had enough room to leave! Ivorians really know how to party. Needless to say, I will be back here. I love it out here. Till next time...Same
Blaize time, same
Blaize channel.